#[jQuery Star Rating](http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating/) ##Overview The Star Rating Plugin is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes. --- ##Installation * Current version: 4.11 * Release date: 2013-03-14 * Download: star-rating.zip --- ##Basic Usage ###Simple stars Just add the `class="star"` to your radio boxes: ```html ``` ####Specifying a default value Use the `checked` property to specify the initial/default value of the control ```html ``` ####Read-only stars Use the `disabled` property to use a control for display purposes only ```html ``` ####Split-stars with the metadata plugin Use the `metadata` plugin to pass advanced settings to the plugin via the class property. The example below creates 4 total stars with a selected value of 1.25 (1 and a quarter star). The total number of stars is the number of radios divided by the split, in this case 16/4 = 4. The number of stars selected is the ordinal value of the radio selected divided by the split, in this case 5/4 = 1.25 ```html ``` ####Options The rating method takes several options. They are each detailed here: | option | type | default | Description | ------ | ---- | ------- | ----------- | cancel | string | "Cancel Rating" | Advisory title for the 'cancel' link | cancelValue | string | "" | Value to submit when user click the 'cancel' link | split | integer | 0 | Number of parts to split the star into | starWidth | integer | 16 | Width of star image in case the plugin can't work it out. This can happen if the jQuery.dimensions plugin is not available OR the image is hidden at installation | half | boolean | null | Shortcut for `split: 2` | required | boolean | null | Disables the 'cancel' button so user can only select one of the specified values | readOnly | boolean | null | Disable rating plugin interaction | focus | function | null | Callback function, executed when stars are focused | blur | function | null | Callback function, executed when stars are focused | callback | function | null | Callback function, executed when a star is clicked