Changelog nicescroll release 3.5.4 New options - scriptpath, user configurable scriptpath option (thanks to beebs93) - #309 Changed features - changed name of ambiguous functions onscrollend and onScrollEnd (renamed to onScrollTransitionEnd) - plugin is AMD compatible (thanks to romansk) - #293 - Ctrl + mouse wheel, restored zoom native function of browsers (Firefox, Chrome) - #275 Fixes - Remove - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'onsync' of null #247 - code parsed with js lint to check for missing semicolons (thanks to gavaz87) - fixed some variable scope (thanks to Microsoftsun) - scrollend event not fired on iOS - #248 - JS Error in console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaultView' of null - #245 (some side effects) - Removing bugs with null objects (thanks to clearcode) - #229 - hiden scrollbar when main content is invisible (thanks to williamherry) - #268 - Fix keyboard capturing in contenteditable fields thanks to dylanpyle) - #272 - Problem on expresion: /BODY|HTML/.test(dom.nodeName) - #292 TODO - checking on IE10 & IE11 - railpadding - railpadding top & bottom settings ignored - thanks to simovinci.bellissimo - honorcssoverflow - autohidemode:hover - check 2D scrolling - check text selection on cursor drag (testing) - recursive position:fixed check - check horiz mouse wheel scrolling speed on chrome - mouse pan scroll - check snappy