# Hammer.js [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/EightMedia/hammer.js.png)](https://travis-ci.org/EightMedia/hammer.js/) ### A javascript library for multi-touch gestures > I told you, homeboy / > You *CAN* touch this / > Yeah, that's how we living and you know / > You *CAN* touch this ## Features - Under 3kb minified and gzipped! - [Detects Tap, DoubleTap, Swipe, Drag, Pinch, and Rotate gestures](http://rawgithub.com/EightMedia/hammer.js/master/examples/events.html) - DOM Events - Debug plugins - Custom gestures - Chainable instance methods - AMD/CommonJS support - Unit tests - Option to disable mouse support, so only for touch and pen input. - Sourcemaps - Highly configurable - [jQuery plugin available here](https://github.com/EightMedia/jquery.hammer.js) ## Getting Started See the [Wiki on GitHub](https://github.com/EightMedia/hammer.js/wiki) for documentation. ## Contributing In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt. Please don't commit the dist versions with your changes, only the changed source files. ## Further notes Created by [Jorik Tangelder](http://twitter.com/jorikdelaporik) and developed at [Eight Media](http://www.eight.nl/) in Arnhem, the Netherlands. It's recommend to listen to [this loop](http://soundcloud.com/eightmedia/hammerhammerhammer) while using hammer.js.