{ "fach": { "type": "group-course", "name": "Fachspezifischer Workshop", "disabled-booking-days": 3, "comment-for-disabled-booking-days": "disabled-booking-days allows one to disable booking in coming days. If it's 1, it disables today, if it's 2 it disables both today and tomrrow, and so on. If it's set to 0 or if it doesn't exist, no effect.", "halfday-blocker-before": true, "halfday-blocker-after": true, "dates": { "2015-01": [ { "date": "20", "type": "afternoon" }, { "date": "22", "type": "morning" }, { "date": "26", "type": "full-day" }, { "date": "28", "type": "morning" } ], "2015-02": [ { "date": "09", "type": "full-day" }, { "date": "20", "type": "full-day" } ], "2015-03": [ { "date": "21", "type": "afternoon" }, { "date": "23", "type": "morning" }, { "date": "27", "type": "full-day" }, { "date": "29", "type": "morning" } ] }, "time": [ {"hours": "8:30 - 11:30", "id": "morning"}, {"hours": "13:30 - 16:30", "id": "afternoon"}, {"hours": "08:30 - 16:30", "id": "full-day"} ], "school-levels": [ {"level": "Mittelstufe A", "class": "8. & 9. Klasse", "id": "mittelstufe-a", "niveau": "Basisniveau"}, {"level": "Mittelstufe E, P, BEZ", "class": "8. & 9. Klasse", "id": "mittelstufe-e-p-bez", "niveau": "Basisniveau"}, {"level": "Oberstufe", "class": "10. Klasse", "id": "oberstufe", "niveau": "Basisniveau"} ], "fachbereich" : [ {"name": "Naturwissenschaften", "value": "Naturwissenschaften"}, {"name": "Technik", "value": "Technik"}, {"name": "Informatik", "value": "Informatik"} ], "topics": { "Mittelstufe A": { "Naturwissenschaften": ["Aggregatzustände", "Dichte von Gasen", "Säuren/Basen & Indikatoren", "Mikroskopieren"], "Technik": ["Der Stromkreislauf", "Einf. elektronische Schaltungen"], "Informatik": ["Einstieg ins Programmieren", "Mit Lego Mindstorms"] }, "Mittelstufe E, P, BEZ": { "Naturwissenschaften": ["Aggregatzustände", "Dichte von Gasen", "Säuren/Basen & Indikatoren", "Mikroskopieren", "Chromatografie", "Spektroskopie", "Titration", "Experimente zur Genetik (GEP)", "Nanotechnologie"], "Technik": ["Der Stromkreislauf", "Einf. elektronische Schaltungen", "Messgeräte", "CAD, 3D-Druck", "Radioaktivität"], "Informatik": ["Einstieg ins Programmieren", "Mit Lego Mindstorms"] }, "Oberstufe": { "Naturwissenschaften": ["Risikoangep. Synth. (Duftester)", "Ionenchromatografie", "HPLC", "Gaschromatografie"], "Technik": ["Aufwendige elektronische Schaltungen"], "Informatik": ["Einstieg ins Programmieren", "Mit Lego Mindstorms"] }, "count_for_half_day": 2, "count_for_full_day": 4 } }, "mint": { "type": "group-course", "name": "MINT Workshop", "disabled-booking-days": 7, "halfday-blocker-before": true, "halfday-blocker-after": true, "dates": { "2015-02": [ { "date": "21", "type": "afternoon" }, { "date": "23", "type": "morning" }, { "date": "27", "type": "full-day" }, { "date": "29", "type": "morning" } ], "2015-03": [ { "date": "01", "type": "afternoon" }, { "date": "03", "type": "morning" }, { "date": "07", "type": "full-day" }, { "date": "19", "type": "morning" } ] }, "time": [ {"hours": "8:30 - 11:30", "id": "morning"}, {"hours": "13:30 - 16:30", "id": "afternoon"}, {"hours": "08:30 - 16:30", "id": "full-day"} ], "school-levels": [ {"level": "Unterstufe", "class": "5.-7. Klasse", "id": "unterstufe", "niveau": "Basisniveau"}, {"level": "Mittelstufe A", "class": "8. & 9. Klasse", "id": "mittelstufe-a", "niveau": "Basisniveau"}, {"level": "Mittelstufe E, P, BEZ", "class": "8. & 9. Klasse", "id": "mittelstufe-e-p-bez", "niveau": "Basisniveau"}, {"level": "Oberstufe", "class": "10. Klasse", "id": "oberstufe"} ], "fachbereich" : [ {"name": "Naturwissenschaften", "value": "Naturwissenschaften"}, {"name": "Technik", "value": "Technik"}, {"name": "Informatik", "value": "Informatik"} ] }, "mytalents": { "type": "group-course", "name": "MyTalents", "disabled-booking-days": 1, "dates": { "2015-02": [ { "date": "11", "type": "afternoon" }, { "date": "13", "type": "morning" }, { "date": "17", "type": "full-day" }, { "date": "19", "type": "morning" } ] }, "time": [ {"hours": "8:30 - 11:30", "id": "morning"}, {"hours": "13:30 - 16:30", "id": "afternoon"}, {"hours": "08:30 - 16:30", "id": "full-day"} ], "school-levels": [ {"level": "Unterstufe", "class": "7. Klasse", "id": "unterstufe", "niveau": "Basisniveau"}, {"level": "Mittelstufe A", "class": "8. & 9. Klasse", "id": "mittelstufe-a", "niveau": "Basisniveau"}, {"level": "Mittelstufe E, P, BEZ", "class": "8. & 9. Klasse", "id": "mittelstufe-e-p-bez", "niveau": "Basisniveau"}, {"level": "Oberstufe", "class": "10. Klasse", "id": "oberstufe", "niveau": "Basisniveau"} ], "fachbereich" : [] }, "experten": { "type": "single-course", "name": "Experten Leistungskurs", "dates": { "2015-03": [ { "date": "21", "type": "full-day" } ] }, "time": [ {"hours": "13:30 - 16:30", "id": "afternoon"} ], "school-levels": [], "fachbereich" : [ {"name": "Java", "value": "Java"} ] } }